Sunday, 21 August 2016

EDU406 - Critical Thinking and reflective Practice
Final exam 1st March 2016
total Question 26
subjective Question 16
Q1. What are critical characteristics of situated learning for reflective practice? 5 marks
Q2. Write down seven dimension that characterize school as learning organization? 5marks
Q3. What is importance of good communication of teacher in classroom? 5marks
Q4. Write down the overview of the approach for reflective practice? 5 marks
Q5. What is john's smith framework for reflective practice? 5marks
Q6. Being a teacher how will you explain vision and goal? 3marks
Q7. Why is constant comparison is necessary in RP? 3 marks
Q8. write down weaknesses/ disadvantages of peer observation? 3 marks
Q9. what are three properties of intelligence according to researcher? 3marks
Q10. How teacher improve the reflective teaching practice in classroom? 3marks
Q11. Define Tacit knowledge? 2marks
Q12. three example of kinesthetic learning? 2marks
Q13. Describe kolb's theory of experiential learning? 2marks
Q14. Write down peer supervision and reflective team? 2marks
Q15. wrtie down the purpose of Experimentation? 2marks
Q16. Elaborate the Guidelines for conducting a pre-observation conference? 5marks.

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